Bruno Bozzetto, the master of video animation!

He is an Italian cartoon animator, creator of many short pieces, mainly of a political or satirical nature. He created his first animated short "Tapum! the weapons' story" in 1958 at the age of 20.

His most famous character, a hapless little man named "Signor Rossi" (Mr. Rossi), has been featured in many animated shorts as well as starring in three feature films: "Mr. Rossi Looks for Happiness" (1976), "Mr. Rossi's Dreams" (1977), and "Mr. Rossi's Vacation" (1977).

Bruno is a genius of the video animations as he embarked on a new type of communication. The same type of communication that we promote with conviction to simple lines and images to communicate important messages. The video animation is a pleasant way to explain ideas, that goes to the heart of the audience and never goes out of fashion. plans to interview soon this important person of the video animation's world to offer you a journey into the world of creativity.
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